42 kilometers or 26.2 miles.
Time Schedule:
8 AM Chiquita Minimarathon event office opens at the Eläintarha Sport field.
9 AM The event office and the expo area opens at Töölö´s Sports Hall
11 AM Telia 5G-areena opens to welcome runners and spectators
12.30 AM Clothing & gear check and storage for valuables opens
1 PM Bib number pick up, competition office and the Expo closes
9 AM-1 PM Own refreshments must be brought to an assigned table at the Töölö Sports hall
2.45 PM First start runners ready at the start area at Mäntymäentie -street
3 PM Helsinki City Marathon start
3 PM Competition info opens at the Telia 5G-areena
3.30 PM Bringing Equipments ends.
3.45 PM Helsinki Street Run start
9.15 PM HCM race time ends and finish area closes at the Telia 5G-areena
9.30 PM The storage for valuables closes
9.30 PM Swimming Stadium closes
9.30 PM Competition info is closed